Michael Camann camann at
Sat Sep 19 14:20:44 EDT 1992

> Hi!
>   I cannot reproduce the FTP error some of you are describing using any of 
> our local machines, even PC's.  Thus I would like to request the following 
> information from anyone experiencing FTP problems.
> 	1)  Brand name and model of machine the fault occured on.
Sun Microsystems 4/280 -

> 	2)  Brand name of the OS on that machine. (ie SCO, EP/IX, etc)
SunOS 4.1.1

> 	4)  Whether problems persist when you disable the advanced
> 	    features of our FTP.  (ie send "-" as the first char of
> 	    your password)
They do.

I've experienced the same problems described by everyone else, i.e. I'm 
unable to do a "dir" or an "ls -l".

				Mike Camann
				camann at

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