v.to.rast problems

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Fri Sep 25 12:40:39 EDT 1992

There was a bug in the libes/gis routine  that  calculates  areas
for  polygons  for  lat/lon. It is used by v.to.rast to deal with
islands because islands are smaller than the surrounding  polygon
so   it  fills  the  raster  image  by  decreasing  polygon  size
(overwriting as it goes).

Did you get the library fix?  On moon the file you need is  under
/grass/grass4.0/updates/src/libes/gis and is called area_poly1.c

If you didn't get this fix, get it, place it under src/libes/gis,
recompile the library, and then recompile v.to.rast.

If you did get the fix,  then  I  need  to  get  a  copy  of  the
offending  vector file which is failing to convert so I can track
down why. Are these islands "unlabeled?"

|Dear GRASS-users
|Somewhere in July we got a new version of v.to.rast from the moon.
|This new version should have no problems in rasterizing islands
|in LAT/LONG projection, but we are still having this problem.
|Some islands are recognized, most of them still are not recognized.
|Our temporarily solution (patching the islands from a seperate map
|into the 'parent'map) is very time consuming.
|Please help!
|Jan Jongejans
|a907janj at diamond.sara.nl
|University of Amsterdam

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil  Environmental Division          
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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