Is there a r.binfer tutorial?

Raymond Venneker venn at
Fri Aug 6 11:11:58 EDT 1993

rick at (Rick Thompson) writes:

> GRASS Users,
>   Does a tutorial exist for r.binfer. If so, I would appreciate you're
> letting me know by e-mail. Thanks.
Not to my knowledge. There are a couple of examples in the manual page
and the source code. If you know about Bayesian statistics AND have a
clear mind on how the input parameters can be assessed/estimated in a
way that makes sense for the particular discipline, you'll figure out
quite easily what is meant in the example scripts. Very good
introductory reading on the mathematical part is:

    Judea Pearl (1988), Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:
    Networks of Plausible Inference, Morgan Kaufman Publishers.

Raymond Venneker -- Earth Sciences, Free University Amsterdam

These opinions are my own and most likely conflict with those of my employer.

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