make.legend - more info

Scott Wade wade at
Fri Feb 19 11:07:35 EST 1993


  Attached is an explanation of a code fix that will help
  with the name-too-long problem with make.legend in the
  GRASS-MAPGEN Interface.

  Scott Wade                      wade at
  U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories
  Env. Compliance Division, Spatial Analysis & Systems Team
  Champaign, Illinois


  This correction will help solve one of the problems encountered
  by folks using the GRASSMAPGEN Interface.  They will be trying to
  create an ordinary legend, and it fails for now apparent reason.  
  That is because the name they use for "tmp" is too long.  The 15 
  character limit is too short.  That is why it needs to be changed to 50.


  The fix:

* For make.legend program,
  edit src.related/mapgen/SCS/make.legend/make_leg.c file:
    expand the character arrays pfile, tmp, and outfil
    from 50, 15, 50  to 100, 50, 100 respectively:

    char c, *s, *p, *tp, line[120], pfile[50], tmp[15], outfil[50];

  Then recompile.

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