Where is GISGEN ?

Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Jun 1 15:38:12 EDT 1993

Greg Koerper said:
|I was wrong about the GRASS 4.1 installation manual.  It is imbedded in the
|source.cpio.Z* files under /grass/grass4.1/release at the moon ftp site.
|So if you've picked up the binaries, but want the PostScript version,
|I have put a copy at an anonymous ftp site:

     Besides being imbedded in the source.cpio files, it is on the moon in the
/grass/grass4.1/documents directory (which is mentioned in as many README
files as I could find.)  It's the postscript version.

Kenneth R. Brownfield               |         brownfld at amber.cecer.army.mil |
Office of GRASS Integration, United | grass-lists-owner at moon.cecer.army.mil |
States Army Corps of Engineers      |   grass-ftp-admin at moon.cecer.army.mil |
Construction Engineering Research   |                   (800) USA-CERL x526 |
Laboratories, Champaign, Illinois   |                   (217) 373-7222  fax |

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