NSDI Executive Order

Ronald Thomas ront at niwot.CFNR.ColoState.EDU
Wed Apr 20 18:41:39 EDT 1994

In article <199404201543.KAA02341 at brier.ecn.purdue.edu> you write:
>this is the exec order that Nancy Tosta talked about in Reston, no?

Yes, I believe so --  I wasn't at Reston, but heard what I assume was her
standard "let's get on with it!" presentation at GIS93 in Denver last fall.
She mentioned a soon to be released executive order at that time, and I'm
assuming this is it.

Ronald Thomas                                ront at meeker.cfnr.colostate.edu
 Natural Resource Spec. (GIS)         ^^^    Phone: 303-586-1285
  Resources Management Division  ^^  ^^^^^   FAX: 303-586-1310
   Rocky Mountain National Park ^^^ ^^^^^^^  Estes Park, CO  80517

{Damn it Jim, I'm a biologist, not a metadata clerk/typist!}

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