ltplus source code

Martin Ameskamp ma at
Mon Feb 21 03:49:04 EST 1994

> Hello, 
> Could someone tell me where I can find the ltplus source code? 
> I was able to locate the ltplus manual but not the program.

	Hi there,

	while LTPlus is part of the 'related.cpio' bit of GRASS source
	code on the moon and in other places, I've also extracted it to
	a single archive 'LTPlus.tar.gz' and put it on in directory
	.gz is the extension used by gzip, the GNU file compression utility.
	If you can't handle that, either get it from any GNU shop or
	mail me and I'll temporarily put a .Z version on the server.


	PS I'm NOT an authority on LTPLus! :-(

Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474, 
email: ma at

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