Vector lines to areas

Wang Song wang at
Thu Jan 6 13:10:26 EST 1994

>         I have a vector file of lines only, These lines form a set of basins.
> I need to make a mask such that there is only one or as many as the user wishes
> basins visible. The problem is that since there are only lines, how to get
> areas out of them and then I was thinking that I could make a mask by running
> Any suggestions ??????
> Nalneesh Gaur

	There are two things you could try.

	Using v.digit program, "Edit" sub-menu allow you to swith the type of
vector line from line to polygon bouaries. If the number of polygons are not
a lot, this is the easy way to solve the problem.

	If the number of polygons are a lot, you may also try to use v.out.ascii
to generate the vector ascii file then doing some global replacement if you are
familiar with GRASS vector ascii file structure. If you have a problem to work
out this way, please write me a E-mail directly.

Song Wang                               Phone: (501) 575-6159
CAST/NCRI                                 Fax: (501) 575-3846
12 Ozark Hall                          E-Mail: wang at
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701       

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