Problems compiling tiff tools on SGI IRIS

John Talcott talcott at
Sat Jan 8 03:11:19 EST 1994

I'm having difficulty compiling the GRASS 4.1 raster tiff utilities. I am
using an SGI IRIS with IRIX 4.0.1. I wanted to be able to import/export
tiff files - and r.tiff.out. When I try gmake4.1 in
I receive the following output:

  SRC     = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/src
  CMD     = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/src/CMD
  HEADER  = sgi
  ARCH    = sgi
  GISBASE = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/sgi
  VERSION = 4.1 Spring 1993 Update package 3
  make -f OBJ.sgi/make.rules 

	/usr/local/bin/gmake4.1 -all
  SRC     = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/src
  CMD     = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/src/CMD
  HEADER  = sgi
  ARCH    = sgi
  GISBASE = /usr/local/elle/grass4.1/sgi
  VERSION = 4.1 Spring 1993 Update package 3
  make -f OBJ.sgi/make.rules 

	rm -f OBJ.sgi/r.out.tiff.o
	cc -cckr -O -I../libtiff  -I/usr/local/elle/grass4.1/src/include
-DUSE_TERMIO -c r.out.tiff.c
ccom: Error: r.out.tiff.c, line 31: unknown size
      	struct rasterfile h;
ccom: Error: r.out.tiff.c, line 98: unknown size
      	h.ras_width = cellhd.cols;
ccom: Error: r.out.tiff.c, line 98: ras_width undefined
      	h.ras_width = cellhd.cols;
ccom: Error: r.out.tiff.c, line 98: member of structure or union required
      	h.ras_width = cellhd.cols;

This is only a partial list of continues on and on...

If anyone else has had/solved this problem I'd appreciate a private
e-mail message pronto! Thanks very much in advance!

P.S. I also tried on a SUN 4.1 and I received similar errors...

          _/--_/_/_/_/--_/_/_/_/_/--John C Talcott talcott at
         _/  _/            _/      Science Applications Intl. Corp. (SAIC)
        _/  _/            _/      10260 Campus Point Drive
 _/    _/  _/            _/      San Diego CA 92121
_/_/_/_/--_/_/_/_/------_/------(619) 546-6447----------------------------

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