convert sites to raster

Chris Rewerts rewerts at
Sun Jan 9 15:07:46 EST 1994

there is a new program called that should do what
you want (as far as I remember its functions). if it isn't
in the update packages I can put it in the incoming dir
on the moon.


In info.grass.user you write:

>Hello all,

>I'm looking for a way to convert a sites file to a raster, but
>I'd like each output raster to take on the value of the site 
>that falls within it's (the raster's) boundaries.

>Is this capability currently available?

>The only sites to raster options I'm familiar with are in and 
>either produce a binary raster or assign the raster value based on how
>many sites lie within it.



>John Cartwright
>johncc at

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