
John Talcott talcott at trg.saic.com
Fri Jun 3 18:27:50 EDT 1994

In article <199405311748.MAA00900 at alx18.ecn.purdue.edu>,
mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu (James Darrell McCauley) wrote:

> has anyone ever noticed the apparent "1 off error" in
> d.legend? The bottom and right of each box is not filled:
>       ___________
>      |########## |
>      |########## |    /|        XXXXX X     XXXX  XXXX  XXXX   
>      |########## |     |        X     X     X  X  X     X    
>      |########## |     |        X     X     XXXX  XXXX  XXXX 
>      |########## |     |        X     X     X  X     X     X 
>      |########## |    _|_       XXXXX XXXXX X  X  XXXX  XXXX 
>      |___________|
> has anyone fixed it? I don't see d.legend in
> moon:/grass/grass4.1/BUG_FIXES.05.94
> --Darrell

I noticed this as well. It looks to me like the legend
squares are partially filled intentionally to give the
appearance of being a 'button'.
John C Talcott talcott at trg.saic.com
Science Applications Intl. Corp. (SAIC)
10260 Campus Point Drive
San Diego CA 92121
(619) 546-6447

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