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News Account news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU
Tue Jun 14 09:15:23 EDT 1994

Newsgroups: info.grass.user
Path: ront
From: ront at picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Ronald Thomas)
Subject: Re: endless summer mail loops
Sender: news at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account)
Message-ID: <CrE25L.upw at yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 13:15:21 GMT
References: <9406131529.AA01522 at>
Organization: College of Natural Resources, Colo. State Univ.
Lines: 17

In article <9406131529.AA01522 at> grassu-list at writes:
>Evidently the original "zipcode boundary" message was being rebroadcast 
>due to some sort of email looping problem, so all replies to it are also 
>going to be rebroadcast many, many times.....

We've seen this happen yearly about this time, as systems
administators remove the accounts of people who have moved on, but the
people "forgot" to unsubscribe from the lists -- the mailer-daemans start
answering automatically that "no one is home", and the loop begins. One 
solution is to read all the good stuff on the lists via a newgroup 
(i.e., info.grass.user), instead of having it sent to you as "mail".  Of
course, your network has to be set up for this, but if it is, I've found this
to be it a much easier and less stressfull way to "listen in".

Ron Thomas

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