comments desired in r.mapcalc

Steffen Meyer steffen at
Tue Jun 21 20:33:40 EDT 1994

I am developing some long sequences in r.mapcalc.
I am preparing separate files with r.mapcalc language instructions
and wondered if there is an undocumented method 
to place a comment into an r.mapcalc input file, for example, 

On the command line I would invoke
  r.mapcalc < do_it_to_it.mapcalc

The "#" and the "!" and commands are used for other purposes
in r.mapcalc.  I would like something like the 
! in r.infer and the 
# in r.combine
r.mapcalc responds "you have confused me" if I try different 
combinations (sorry for my brutal attempts).

Does anyone have any clever ideas?
Perhaps a comment provision could be added to plans for future releases.

Steffen Meyer
IDS Group, Colorado State University

---------- Begin of For_Reference ----------
The r.infer language uses the "!" symbol as a start of comment, 
and blank lines can be used to group blocks of operations together.

For example:
  IFMAP elevation.255 170-255
  ANDIFMAP density 3 4
  THEN high elevation with trees

Similarly, the "#" seems to work fine in the r.combine language 
as a comment field and blank lines can be used to group blocks 
of operations together.
For example foo.comb contains:
  # hello and documentation
  # get the sandstone stuff 
  (NAME sandstone
    (GROUP (geology))

--- Begin of screen output ---
GRASS 4.1 > r.combine < foo.comb

Analyses will be displayed in color during execution

Help is available for r.combine: enter (help)
[1]: #  hello and documentation
#  get the sandstone stuff

--- end of screen output ---
---------- End of For_Reference ----------

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