
N R A nra at
Wed Jun 29 11:55:00 EDT 1994

I've tried to send thanks to 'ksibley at' and 
'jschuler at', but I got the following response 

------------------------------ Start of body part 1

This report relates to your message: Subject: Limits of GRASS,
  Message-ID: <memo.505280 at>,
  To: jschuler at
        of Tue, 28 Jun 1994 18:28:35 +0100

Your message was not delivered to   jschuler at
        for the following reason:
        Unknown Address
        MTA '' gives error message  jschuler at iss01-gw...
        Never heard of iss01-gw in domain ncg . scs . ag . gov 

***** The following information is directed towards the local 
administrator***** and is not intended for the end user
* DR generated by: mta
*         in /PRMD=eunet/ADMD=0/C=GB/
*         at Tue, 28 Jun 1994 18:29:03 +0100
* Converted to RFC 822 at
*         at Tue, 28 Jun 1994 18:29:18 +0100
* Delivery Report Contents:
* Subject-Submission-Identifier: 
[/PRMD=eunet/ADMD=0/C=GB/;<memo.505280 at]* 
Content-Identifier: Limits of GRASS
* Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information:  
/PRMD=eunet/ADMD=0/C=GB/arrival Tue, 28 Jun 1994 18:28:35 +0100 action 
Relayed* Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information:  
/PRMD=eunet/ADMD=0/C=GB/arrival Tue, 28 Jun 1994 17:38:00 +0100 action 
Relayed* Content-Correlator: Subject: Limits of GRASS,
*                   Message-ID: <memo.505280 at>,
*                   To: jschuler at* Recipient-Info: 
jschuler at,*         
FAILURE reason Unable-To-Transfer (1);
*         diagnostic Unrecognised-ORName (0);
*         last trace (ia5 text (2)) Tue, 28 Jun 1994 17:38:00 +0100;
*         converted eits ia5 text (2);
*         supplementary info "MTA '' gives error message 
*         jschuler at iss01-gw... Never heard of iss01-gw in domain ncg .
*         scs . ag . gov";
****** End of administration information 

I'll therefore use this list to send my thanks to Ken and J

Thanks for the information Ken. Having very little UNIX training I'm sort 
of feeling my way - our IS section is less than helpful on anything to do 
with UNIX.

I've checked the pstat -s and there's about 24Mb - IPX has 16Mb real 
memory. I'm sorry to say that the problem I've got looks to be with the 
data file   8-(

Thanks very much for the information Jill - I've had no training on UNIX 
- - I know, it shows  8-)

I asked our IS section and get the 'major work, kernel rebuild, go away' 
type response.

I'll look into the addition of a file to increase available space - I 
presume that I can simply remove the entry from the 'fstab', reboot and 
then delete the swap file, to reclaim the space ??

Oh, by the way the limits is my fault - an error in the data file  8-(
- - see, I don't know what I'm doing  8-)

Apologies to the other users of the list

Steve Culshaw
NRA North West
e-mail : nra at (use this for general usage)
or         sculshaw at (Private - only checked at best 

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