r.surf.contour, r.to.sites, DTM from level curves

Simon Cox simon at artemis.earth.monash.edu.au
Fri Mar 18 09:17:53 EST 1994


>       At step #3, however, we are getting a map that is "filled in"
> but not interpolated; i.e. there is a green band for elevation 672, a light
> blue band for elevation 674, etc., but nowhere is there an interpolated
> 673, for example.

I have had similar bad experiences with r.surf.contour.  I have
stopped trying to use it.

> Is there anything to be gained by converting
> the rasterized contour map to a sites file?  If so, how does one do this --
> I don't see an 'r.to.sites' or something similar in the manual.

I think this is the way to go.  However, be warned, both s.surf.tps
and s.surf.idw are slooooow.

This will do r.to.sites, and produce a site file that the s.surf programs
can understand

r.stats -1gz input=infile | awk '{print $1,$2,"#"$3}' | s.in.ascii

NB - the "#" is currently _needed_ by s.surf.tps, (and is not
rejected by s.surf.idw) but this was due to an
misunderstanding by the tps team, and is due to disappear soon.
WHen that has happened, the "awk" step can be discarded (pending, however,
introduction of the new sites format eg as proposed by Darrell).
      __  L     Dr Simon Cox			
   ,~'  L_|\    VIEPS Department of Earth Sciences, 
,-'         \   Monash University, Clayton Vic 3168        
(   soon     \  Australia
X<~~~~~~~~~  /          Phone +61 3 905 5762
 L,~'   "\_x/           Fax   +61 3 905 5062
           u    simon at artemis.earth.monash.edu.au

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