New TIGER/Line vector scripts

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at
Wed Mar 30 14:33:41 EST 1994

Greetings, GRASSers!
I have finally finished a set of three Bourne shell scripts for extracting and
attributing TIGER/Line vector data, and have placed them under grass/incoming
on . The file is "tigerscripts.tar.Z", and includes full
man pages. Below are abbreviated man pages:

NAME - Creates GRASS vector map from TIGER/Line
     files, labeled with the TIGER feature names.
     (GRASS shell script)
SYNOPSIS help t1=type1_file t2=type2_file
      cfcc=code[,code,code...] [prefix=name]
DESCRIPTION is a Bourne shell (sh(1)) script that creates
     GRASS vector maps from U.S. Bureau of the Census TIGER/Line
     Type 1 and Type 2 files. Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC's)
     are used to specify what classes of features are extracted.
     Feature names from the Type 1 file are used to label each
     vector. If no feature name is found for a particular record,
     the phrase "No feature name" is used as its label. A
     separate vector map is created for each CFCC given; the map
     naming convention is <prefix>.<cfcc> . If the "prefix"
     parameter is not used, the name of the Type 1 file is
     stripped from its path and used as the naming prefix.

NAME - Creates a GRASS vector map from TIGER/Line
     files based upon feature names specified by the user.
     Resulting vectors in the map layer are labeled with the
     feature name.
     (GRASS shell script)
     (Interactive use only)
DESCRIPTION is a Bourne shell (sh(1)) script that creates
     a GRASS vector map from U.S. Bureau of the Census TIGER/Line
     Type 1, Type 2, Type 4,and Type 5 files. The user is
     prompted for a feature name, and then all Type 1 records are
     extracted that have that feature name. The user can then
     specify additional feature names; when all desired records
     have been extracted, a single vector map is produced, with
     each vector labeled with its feature name.
     Where this program differs from most others is that it
     incorporates TIGER's Index to Alternate Feature Names
     (Record Type 4). Each Type 1 TIGER/Line record can only have
     one feature name. However, it is not uncommon for a feature
     to have several names in reality; a road may be called Main
     St., as well as US Hwy 62. By using Type 4 and Type 5
     records, this program is able to extract almost all vectors
     that normally carry a given feature name.

NAME - Creates a GRASS vector map from TIGER/Line
     files, labeled with Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC's) and,
     optionally, either descriptions of the Feature Class or
     user- defined labels.
     (GRASS shell script)
SYNOPSIS help [-d] t1=type1_file t2=type2_file cfcc=code
      [,code,code...] output=name [labels=
DESCRIPTION is a Bourne shell (sh(1)) script that creates
     GRASS vector maps from U.S. Bureau of the Census TIGER/Line
     Type 1 and Type 2 files. Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC's)
     are used to specify what classes of features are extracted.
     Vectors are labeled with their respective CFCC's, plus
     either an optional description of the Census Feature Class
     or optional user-defined labels. This program creates a
     single vector map using all specified Census Feature Class


Hope that some of you find these useful!

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant       E-mail: malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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