Carto output

Grass 4.1 grass at ocean.oce.uri.EDU
Mon Oct 3 00:35:14 EDT 1994


Are any of you using grass to output high quality cartographic products.
If so, what do you use?  I was using the other day, but I could 
not get it to do what I want.  I would like my geographic region to be
slightly smaller that the page bounds and to have text in the margin 
between the geographic region and the map bounds.  Can this be done?

Also, anyone using with an SGI?  The ps file appears to be 
incompatible with what SGI wants.  I.e., impressario and vstiff do not
recognize the file.  I get a psrip error.  Any ideas?


-Stephen Dzurenko
 Ocean Mapping Division
 Ocean Technology Center 
 Graduate School of Oceanography
 University of Rhode Island

 ph: 401 792-6879
 fx: 401 792-6849
 e-mail: steve at

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