Unravelling nodes

Mon Oct 31 16:30:33 EST 1994

We have recently installed GRASS on a new DECstation 5000
running Ultrix 4.3.  We have been having trouble with vector
areas unsnapping.  For example, in one mapset we digitized at
1:200,000 with a resolution of 100m.  The areas were all snapped
and labeled in v.digit and v.support was run.  Then v.to.rast
was run to make a raster map and the file was copied to
PERMANENT mapset.  At this point there was a memory allocation
error (it wanted more than 500 Gb) and the vector file had some
nodes that were no longer snapped.

Does anyone know what is happening in this situation?  If so I
would greatly appreciate your assistance.


Dave Major
major at abrsle.agr.ca

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