Raster Editing

Chris Rewerts rewerts at diego.cecer.army.mil
Wed Sep 7 11:52:47 EDT 1994

>>From: caa at noaacdc.Colorado.EDU (Craig Anderson)
>>Newsgroups: info.grass.user
>>Subject: Raster Editing
>>Date: 30 Aug 94 06:17:07 GMT
>I am attempting to edit a raster using d.rast.edit, but would like to
>be able to superimpose vector outlines to aid in the cleaning of the
>raster coverage (things don't quite match at boundaries).  Any suggestions
>on how to accomplish this?
>Thanks, Craig

Funny, there used to be a vector overlay function for d.rast.edit...

I made a very quick and dirty hack to the d.rast.edit code (in
GRASS 4.1.4) to do vector overlay (below is a patch). This change
will add "vector" to the main menu. When selected this will call
d.vect in the GRASS shell window, and the GRASS command line parser
will prompt for name of vector file and the color to use to display it.

To make the change to the source code, 
1. cd to $GISBASE/src.alpha/display/d.rast.edit
2. cut the patch from this message and save to a file, eg "patch"
3. make the change with: patch menu.c <patch
4. recompile d.rast.edit with your gmake command

-------cut here-----------8<---------
>         "  vector",
>     /* vector overlay */
>            R_close_driver();
>            G_system("d.vect");
>            R_open_driver();
>            use_mouse();
>            break;
>     case 7:
<     case 7:
>     case 8:
-------cut here-----------8<---------

Chris Rewerts                   Environmental Planning and Management Team
US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, Champaign, IL, USA
rewerts at zorro.cecer.army.mil +1.217.352.6511 ext. 7588 FAX +1.217.373.7281

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