gmake4.1 (and rle21)

charnotw charnotw at
Tue Sep 20 06:11:11 EDT 1994

> I have obtained and uncompressed the tar file for rle21. However, 
> I am unable to continue because I do not have a gmake4.1 file. It 
> was not included in the binaries I ftp'ed (for SunOS 4.1.3). I 
> also checked in the source code archive, where it was present but 
> had a size of zero. Finally, I checked on a Grass4.1 distribution 
> CD-ROM; again, it was present but with size of zero. It also is 
> not included with the rle files.
> Please, where can I obtain the gmake4.1 program? Is it available 
> (via ftp) on, or is there somewhere else I 
> can get it?

I had exactly this problem with ftp'ed binaries.  They don't include
gmake4.1 or the libraries you need to compile your own or contributed
GRASS programmes.  People who compiled their versions of GRASS from 
source do not have this problem.

I had to get the source code, cut out everything I didn't need,
(just about everything except the libraries, and a few scripts). 
then I ran gisbase/src/CMD/utils/setup, a script which creates 
gmake4.1(a front end to a script gisbase/src/CMD/generic/
I then ran gmake4.1 in each of the libraries (gisbase/src/libes/...)
to create the libraries. 

mail me if you want some more info   8-)

cheers,   Tom  8-)

Tom Charnock                       O--O
Dept Civil Engineering            (~~~~)
Aston University                 (  __  )
Birmingham B4 7ET UK             /|\  /|\
charnotw at

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