SunOS 5, GNU gcc and GRASSv4.1.5

Andy Burnett burnett at
Tue Apr 25 15:10:10 EDT 1995

In info.grass.user you write:
>have to buy one seperately apparently), so we are thinking of using using the
>GNU freeware gcc C compiler. 
>Has anybody any advice on this - I don't want to start getting into any
>situations detrimental to my mental health (I used to be a Physical Geographer,
>where did I go wrong?).

  I compiled grass 4.1.x under linux using gcc.  The only problem that I
ran into was that you need to compile with -fwritable-strings in the
CFLAGS variable for gmake. (In certian parts of the code literal strings
are modified which is a no-no by default for gcc).

Good luck.


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