s.menu - creating circles

Lars Schylberg larss at fmi.kth.se
Tue Feb 14 12:03:05 EST 1995

In an E-mail message, motte wrote:
> Erin O'Doherty writes:
> > 
> > I need something that works like the "site characteristics report" in 
> > s.menu but I want to include a radius around the site not a square.  
> > I can't get away with just r.buffer because the buffers run together 
> > and I'd have to sort out the sites to avoid overlap.  I was hoping to 
> > modify the code in s.menu to do a "circle" (I know it won't be a real 
> > circle because it's a raster map) instead of a square, but I couldn't 
> > figure out where it learns which cells to run stats on.  I could 
> > figure out a way to do it if I just had one site map to do this to, 
> > but I have hundreds.  What I want to do is describe the vegetation in 
> > an error polygon around aerial telemetry locations.  My veg map has a 
> > resolution of about 3 m and the error polygon has a radius of 280 m.  
> > If two sites fall in the same place I want to sample that area twice. 
> > So if somebody could point me to the files in s.menu that I'd need to 
> > change or figure out a slick way I could do this and repeat it for 
> > many sets of sites, I'd be eternally grateful.  Left to my own 
> > devices I'll probably try something with r.mapcalc and r.stats. 
> > 

Hello !

I have an old script that you could modify a little to get it to do that.
I wrote this a couple a years ago.  Ship the part about the ascii file 
and read the site file directly.  Then you just need to create circles instead
of the boxes that I created. A litle nice execise in geometry.  Finally you 
need to run r.stats to find your results.

Be happy and do some script-hacking.
Good luck 


Lars Schylberg                       Email: lasc at celsiustech.se
CelsiusTech IT                          or: larss at fmi.kth.se
S-175 88 Jarfalla                    Tel.   +46 8 580 847 03
Sweden                               Fax.   +46 8 580 123 20

---------------- cut here ---------------------------------------------
#  input.arch.sh
#  Author: Lars Schylberg
#  email: larss at fmi.kth.se
#  Date 930428
# Check if GRASS is running
test "$GISRC" || echo "GRASS is not running" || exit 2
#  Evaluate arguments
if [ $# != 2 ]
    echo Usage: `basename $0` 
    echo '       input=input file'
    echo '       output=mapname '
    echo '  This program imports archelogical data from an ascii file,'
    echo '  creates vector areas around the sites and '
    echo '  converts these areas to raster areas. '
    echo '  A site is also created with the original points.'
    echo '  Input file format is: '
    echo '  X Y height width rotation(degres) category '
    echo '  Values are separated by a space. '
    echo '  Cordinate system is geographic X northing, Y easting
    echo '  rotation is positive clockwise
    exit 1

#				 Parse input arguments

for i do
	case $i in
			IN=`echo $i | sed s/input=//` ;;
			IN=`echo $i | sed s/in=//` ;;
			IN=`echo $i | sed s/i=//` ;;
			OUT=`echo $i | sed s/output=//` ;;
			OUT=`echo $i | sed s/out=//` ;;
			OUT=`echo $i | sed s/o=//` ;;
			echo ""
			echo "Unrecognized option: $i"
			echo 'Options: input=input file '
                        echo '         output=mapname '
			exit 1
#  Check the input arguments
# Test if site files is available
if test ! -f $IN
    echo 'File ' $IN ' is not found'
    exit 2

eval `g.findfile element=dig file=$OUT`
if [ "$file" ]
    echo "Vector file: $OUT - exists already"
    exit 2

eval `g.findfile element=cell file=$OUT`
if [ "$file" ]
    echo "Raster file: $OUT - exists already"
    exit 2

eval `g.findfile element=site file=$OUT`
if [ "$file" ]
    echo "Site file: $OUT - exists already"
    exit 2


TMP=tmp.`basename $0`.$$
g.region -p | sed "s/\..*//" > $TMP
N=`grep north $TMP | sed "s/[^0-9]*//"`
S=`grep south $TMP | sed "s/[^0-9]*//"`
E=`grep east $TMP | sed "s/[^0-9]*//"`
W=`grep west $TMP | sed "s/[^0-9]*//"`
ZONE=`grep zone $TMP | sed "s/[^0-9]*//"`
/bin/rm $TMP

#				Create header information

echo "DIGIT DATE:  `date`" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "DIGIT NAME:   `whoami`" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "MAP NAME:     $IN" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "MAP DATE:     " >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "MAP SCALE:    50000" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "OTHER INFO:   Created by input.arch.sh" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "ZONE:         $ZONE" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "WEST EDGE:      $W" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "EAST EDGE:      $E" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "SOUTH EDGE:     $S" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "NORTH EDGE:     $N" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "MAP THRESH:           0.00" >> $DIG_ASCII
echo "VERTI:" >> $DIG_ASCII

#				Write vectors, orthogonal rectangles

# cat $IN | \
#  awk '{printf "A 5\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n", \
#  $1+$3/2, $2-$4/2, $1+$3/2, $2+$4/2, \
#  $1-$3/2, $2+$4/2, $1-$3/2, $2-$4/2, \
#  $1+$3/2, $2-$4/2 }' >> $DIG_ASCII

#				Write vectors,  rectangles with rotation
#				Helmert transformation
#				H = height
#				W = width
#				X = X + H*cos(PHI) + W*sin(PHI)
#				Y = Y - H*sin(PHI) + W*cos(PHI)

cat $IN | \
 gawk '{ PHI=$5*3.14/180; H=$3/2; W=$4/2; \
         printf "A 5\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n  %d  %d\n", \
         $1+H*(cos(PHI))-W*(-sin(PHI)), $2+H*(sin(PHI))-W*(cos(PHI)), \
         $1+H*(cos(PHI))+W*(-sin(PHI)), $2+H*(sin(PHI))+W*(cos(PHI)), \
         $1-H*(cos(PHI))+W*(-sin(PHI)), $2-H*(sin(PHI))+W*(cos(PHI)), \
         $1-H*cos((PHI))-W*(-sin(PHI)), $2-H*(sin(PHI))-W*(cos(PHI)), \
         $1+H*cos((PHI))-W*(-sin(PHI)), $2+H*(sin(PHI))-W*(cos(PHI)) \
       }' >> $DIG_ASCII


#					Make a vector attribute file

cat $IN | awk '{ printf" A   %d   %d   %d\n", $2, $1, $6 }' > $DIG_ATT

#					Make an site file with the same name

cat $IN | awk '{ printf"%d|%d|#%d\n", $2, $1, $6 }' > $SITE

#					Make ascii to binary conversion
# 					of vector file
v.in.ascii input=$OUT output=$OUT

#					Create topology	

v.support map=$OUT option=build
#					Do vector to raster conversion

v.to.rast input=$OUT output=$OUT
#					Display raster data
d.rast $OUT
#					Show vector file
# d.vect map=$OUT color=yellow
#					Show site points
# d.sites sitefile=$OUT color=red

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