
A.W. Bingham awb1001 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jun 14 08:00:00 EDT 1995


Dear Group,

I'm trying to export a raster file from GRASS->ERDAS.
Ive used r.out.ascii to create a ascii file of my GRASS raster image.
When I read it into ERDAS, roughly a third of the image that should 
appear on the right hand side appears on the left.  A collegue of mine
has also experience this problem.
Has any one else experienced this problem and have you found a fix?

Andy B.

Andrew W. Bingham

Remote Sensing Group
Scott Polar Research Institute                  Tel.  +44 1223 336540
University of Cambridge                 Direct Line.  +44 1223 336558
Lensfield Road                                  Fax   +44 1223 336549 
Cambridge  CB2 1ER                           e-mail   awb1001 at cus.cam.ac.uk

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