registration of scanned maps

E.A. Koster ekoster at
Tue Mar 28 10:11:32 EST 1995

Dear all,
Im am working on a large map of Groningen, the map is rather big, and in color
so I have made the decission to scan the document instead of digitalization.

I have scanned 16 parts A4-format and converted them to tiff (pbm-utils) and
imported them in Grass4.1 using, no problem at all.

The problem is that all parts have the same coordinates,
north:      3468
south:      0
east:       2484
west:       0
cols:       2484
rows:       3468

I tried to register them using i.rectify, because I have some overlap, but
this doesn't work, cause I have not all exact coordinates for the corner-
points of each sheet (when I pick other points the map is not any longer
correct). I looked through the man-pages if there was some possibility to
move the map to a new location using only one point so I can first make one
map from all the 16-parts and afterwards register it to real coordinates.

Does anybody on the net know a good method or program ?

Thanks in advance,
Elwin Koster

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