grass4.1 and Solaris

Conn Copas cvc at
Thu Mar 2 19:07:37 EST 1995

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Agus writes:

"What's the situation of Solaris and Grass now?"

As others have said, compatibility is OK. However, if you go compiling
either xgrass or the src.contrib code under Sol2.4, then numerous minor
src code changes are needed. For example, despite this list having beaten to
death the problem with including <strings.h> instead of <string.h>, that
glitch still slipped through into Update 5. When the Grass folks advise us
to use the bug report script, they mean it! Our installation may be
idiosyncratic, but I had to link in some quite obscure libraries in order to
keep ld happy. If anyone gets stuck, try 

        -L/usr/local/src/gnu.old/lib -liberty
        -L/usr/ccs/lib -lgen
        -L/usr/local/opt/SUNWspro/SC3.0/lib -lfast

Conn V Copas
Information Technology Division
Defence Science and Technology Organisation
PO Box 1500
Salisbury            tel: +61 (0)8 25 95349
SA  5108             fax: +61 (0)8 25 96781
Australia       e-mail: cvc at

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