Rainfall data for r.answers

sayeed at weirich530.geography.uiowa.edu sayeed at weirich530.geography.uiowa.edu
Wed Mar 29 12:43:32 EST 1995

Hi Kamarul, 

In ANSWERS on GRASS, name of a rainfall event and rainfall data file name
are different.  When you are creating a new rainfall event, the program
requires that you have to specify a new event name.  The rainfall datafile
created by the user can be stored anywhere, and can be used for as many
events as you want.  The rain data _storage_ files created by r.answers,
on the other hand, have the same name as the rainfall _event_ name, and
are stored by the program in <MAPSET>/answers/data/<PROJECT_NAME>/rain
directory.  Every event name must be _unique_, but you can use the same 
event more than once. 

If you want to use the same rainfall event again, you may do the following:
Do you wish to use data from a previously entered event?(y/n) [y] 

Currently used rainfall event: rtest

Enter the name of the rainfall event:

Enter 'list' for a list of existing rain data storage files
Hit RETURN to cancel request
rtest  *** enter any existing event name ***

Reading rain data file <rtest>
Number of gauges: 1

  Data for gauge 1

      0          0   
     15         91   
     30        112   
     60        102   
    180          0   

hit RETURN to continue -->

Rain gauge data preparation complete.

Creating ANSWERS input data


Percent complete:  100%

ANSWERS input data creation complete.

If, on the other hand, you want to create a new rainfall event, use a new 
name and specify the <PATH/raindata_file_name>.  You can delete the 
existing events by going to <MAPSET>/answers/data/<PROJECT_NAME>/rain, 
and deleting the rain data storage files. 

Hope this will help.


- sayeed at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
  sayeed at weirich530.geography.uiowa.edu

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