i.tape.other or something else?

A.W. Bingham awb1001 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Wed May 10 08:00:00 EDT 1995


Im trying to load some AVHRR data into the grass.
The data specifications are:
#cols=2048 #rows=4248
5 channels band interleaved
2 bytes/pixel (or cell)

i.tape.other wont work because it assumes 1 byte/pixel.

Can anyone suggest how I can read these data?


Andrew W. Bingham

Remote Sensing Group
Scott Polar Research Institute                  Tel.  +44 1223 336540
University of Cambridge                 Direct Line.  +44 1223 336558
Lensfield Road                                  Fax   +44 1223 336549 
Cambridge  CB2 1ER                           e-mail   awb1001 at cus.cam.ac.uk

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