Exporting Raster Formats From Grass

hansman at erols.com hansman at erols.com
Fri Apr 5 07:00:00 EST 1996

At 10:40 AM 4/4/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Use the CELL monitor ("d.mon CELL" vice "d.mon x0" or whatever you
>usually use).  The environment variables GRASS_WIDTH and GRASS_HEIGHT
>control the size of the frame you'll be building.  Then build your
>frame the way you normally would (d.3d, d.rast, d.vect, etc.).  Then
>d.mon stop=CELL
>d.mon x0
>g.region rast=D_cell 
># D_cell is the raster layer containing the stuff you 
># drew while CELL was running)
>d.rast D_cell
>D_cell can be exported with r.out.tga or something similar.  I've used
>this basic technique to build animations, by using d.3d multiple times
>from different viewpoints, or d.rast for time-varying raster layers. 
>Hal Mueller                             Ogden Professional Services
>EPA, NHEERL-Western Ecology Division    (541) 754-4490    
>200 SW 35th Street                      halm at mail.cor.epa.gov
>Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4901  USA       http://www.zilker.net/~hal/
I tried this technique and it works, except the resolution of the .tga image
is very low.   I have tried increasing the resolution using g.region from
100 to 30.   This increases the resolution in the monitor, and the amount of
time it takes to generate the image in CELL, but it does not effect the
final .tga file size or resolution.   Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help,

Randy Page
hansman at erols.com

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