Database used by grass

charnotw charnotw at
Thu Apr 4 07:00:00 EST 1996

> I Need Help !!!
> I don't know anything about grass (bad start eh ?...) I just want to 
> use the database (used by grass) in other software (matlab, mathcad
> or whatever..).
> (1)What are the files I should use (of altimetry, morphology) ? 
> (2)How do I interpret the data in this files ?
>               Joao Neves
All the file formats are described in the programing 
manual from the moon.  However if you want to get 
the data out quickly into some other package you
could play around with r.out.ascii which gives you
a big long list of the values of each pixel in the 
raster starting from top left going to bottom right.
(v.out.ascii for vector files).If you want to read the
raw data in a raster the actual data is stored in the cell directory of your da
tabase.  run  r.compress to
uncompress it and look at the header file (in cellhd) to determine how many byt
es per pixel format 0 = 1byte
format: 1 = bytes etc. Then just treat it again as a
big long list of numbers.
If you're really serious about manipulating the GRASS database then use the pro
gramming libraries that allow
you to open, read and write raster files and lots of 
other stuff.

cheers   Tom

Tom Charnock                       O--O
Dept Civil Engineering            (~~~~)
Aston University                 (  __  )
Birmingham B4 7ET UK             /|\  /|\
charnotw at

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