Grass problem on Linux OS

Nicolas Boretos nicolasb at
Tue Aug 27 08:00:00 EDT 1996

I have GRASS 4.1. on a Linux machine and i want to digitize maps with a Summagr
Microgrid III digitizer. My problem is with the v.digit. I setup the digitizer 
on digcap
file with a driver that i wrote with the help of my digitizer book. I suppose t
hat this is
not my problem. The problem is on v.digit. Since i call d.mon, i call v.digit a
nd i input 
the name of the file that i want to digitize etc..., after that v.digit asks:
"Shall we continue(y/n)", when i say "y" GRASS hangs. I read on GRASS 4.1 Progr
Manual that after this question GRASS tryies to initialize digitizer using the 
setup_driver.c function. That function opens the device (which is a tty port) a
nd initializes
the digitizer. My problem is that I'm not sure if that function is using the ri
ght definition
for the Linux serial ports, for example ( /dev/ttyS0 for serial 1, and /dev/tty
S1 for serial 2)
or is using /dev/ttyXX from the system of the GRASS Authors (System V (AT&T) UN
p.s. I haven't the GRASS sources, how can I solve my problem?? Please give me s
ome help

Many Thanks, Manolis

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