New prob opening graphics display

Carl Fitz carl.fitz at
Wed Aug 21 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Recently, our (long-ago) installation Grass 4.1 started having problems
with setting up a graphics display.  A monitor will start up, but 2
identical messages of "Color: can't set color 0" come up, and d.whatever
will not produce output.  Occasional segmentation faults result.  It is
consistent across all of the available drivers.  

I'm not familiar with where any color tables reside, or the places to
start poking around more.  At first I thought it was due to my new
workstation running Solaris 2.5, but same thing with an older machine
using SunOS 4.1.

Any ideas on places to start would be greatly appreciated - I haven't
joined the mailing list (and don't have usenet access), so a direct
reply would be good.

H. Carl Fitz
South FL Water Mgmt. District
Everglades Systems Research Div.
West Palm Beach, FL  
carl.fitz at

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