METEOSAT rectification...

Jason Sperfslage jasperfs at
Fri Nov 8 13:16:07 EST 1996

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to get LAT/LON coordinates for each pixel of METEOSAT images (esp.
the portion covering the Blue Nile area (gernally Etheopia and Sudan around
Lake Tana).

Does anyone know of LAT/LON lookup tables that have already been made for
the METEOSAT images (maybe someone has already done this)?  

If not, can I create such a table with GRASS4.0 (via i.points/i.rectify)?  I 
have done some experimentation with not much success.  I am after LAT/LON, in
the end, and it looks like these functions are limited to State Plane and UTM
databases.  With a larger clipping of the METEOSAT image (even 512x512 lines/
pixels) it stretches several UTM zones (35 to 43, I think).  So it may not
even be convenient to use GRASS for this purpose - that's what I am trying to
find out.

Anyway, I'm looking for a pixel/line rectified LAT/LON table, or advice on 
creating one with GRASS, if possible.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance,



  Jason A. Sperfslage                     Hydrologic Research Center
  Programmer/Analyst                      12780 High Bluff Drive, Suite 250
                                          San Diego  CA   92130-2069

  jasperfs at                   Tel: (619) 794-2726 
                                          Fax: (619) 792-2519


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