Problems with GRASS binaries for Solaris (Help needed)

Bill Brown brown at
Thu Mar 13 10:41:13 EST 1997


There is a FAQ dealing with 30 arc-second DCW DEM importing at:

To import only the Croatia portion, set your region using a different
g.region command in step 3.

Or else, follow the directions and then change the region and run:
r.mapcalc crotia.dem=eur_30_dem1

> Hi, I'm new GRASS user (but one of the first in Croatia,Europe).

A year or two ago, somebody at the University of Zagreb was using
GRASS on IBM RISC/6000 because I remember they posted binaries on
their ftp site for awhile.  Maybe you could try to work with them
if you can find them.
> I work with GRASS binary release for Solaris , and here are my 
> questions for GRASS community:
> 1) r.mapcalc - when I run this command, and after the process 
> is 100% complete program hangs still and gives no result (new map)

This sounds like some kind of file system problem - have you been
able to use r.mapcalc successfully on any data in your database?
While creating the new file, r.mapcalc uses a temporary name based on
the process id and held in $LOCATION/.tmp/[machine_name] - you
could watch and make sure that this file is being created.  Then it
is suppose to move the file from there to your cell directory,
so this might be where you have a problem.  I know that there was
a problem with the way the "move" was executed under AFS but I
don't remember if the fix ever made it into any of the GRASS updates.
If the file seems to be created, you might be able to move or copy it
manually to your cell directory, but you'll want to find a 
permanent solution because you'll have the same problem any time 
you want to create a new raster.

good luck -

brown at

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