lock program in grass4.2 - "file not found" even though it's there

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Apr 26 05:47:10 EDT 1999

Dear Scott, hi all having this problem:

I think I have an idea for the "lock - file not found" problem:

- People using Linux based on libc.so.5 must use GRASS 4.2.1 (V.20)
- People using Linux based on libc.so.6 can use GRASS 4.2.1 (V.21)

This libc is a major Linux library, it's structure was changed.
I will support libc.so.6 in future, but the old GRASS version 
shall stay for some more time on my server. libc.so.6 is equivalent
to glibc. The error message is surprising, indeed!

What to do?

libc.so.6 based systems are: Redhat 5.x, SuSe 6.x
    -> go for GRASS 4.2.1 (V.21) or newer distributions

libc.so.5 based systems are: Redhat 4.x, SuSe 5.x, COL 1.3 (Caldera)
    -> go for GRASS 4.2.1 (V.21) or newer distributions

Or you compile the source code yourself, then you avoid the

    Markus Neteler

--- The proof:
>> well, there seems to be a problem with Caldera Linux.
>> Does it use libc.so.6? If not, this may result in
>> this lock problem.

> This version (1.3) of COL uses libc.so.5

Thanks to your help; I got 4.2.1v20 to run!


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