Combine / concatenate vector segments [was: Re: Convert sites to vector(s) to build a mask]

Stephan Eickschen eicksch
Tue Apr 27 04:12:26 EDT 1999

Hi Luís, hi all,

Thanks for your advice!
I made a little change in my program - now it takes the second "point"
of each segment to write it to the dig_att file. This reduces the number
of warnings significantly: not to zero but some ten instead of more the
1000 (I guess it was).
But still: is there a "simple" / tricky (?) way to combine all these
little elements of the coastline / ice edge into one? (see image of
d.vect newmap at

Even though I did not even find it in v.digit (sorry for being that
ignorant) I am still hoping that there is not only a hard way like that.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated! :)



Stephan Eickschen                     Tel. : +49 (0)251 83-34704
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet   Fax. : +49 (0)251 83-36100
Institute for Geophysics
Research Unit of Physical Glaciology  email: eicksch at
Corrensstrasse 24
48149 Muenster

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