MkLinux Install mini series: Episode II

R. Joe Brandon rjoe_brandon at
Thu Aug 5 21:21:00 EDT 1999

With Chris's help with a  permision setting I goofed up I was able to run
"make install" again, and this time it went a smidge furter giving me:

make install
install -d -m 755 /usr/local/grass-5.0b /home/grass/.bashrc
UNIX_BIN=/usr/local/bin SRC=`pwd` /bin/sh src/CMD/generic/
/home/grass/.bashrc GRASSSRC=`pwd`/src GMAKE=`pwd`/src/CMD/gmake5.0
/bin/sh src/CMD/generic/ /home/grass/.bashrc GRASSSRC=`pwd`/src
GMAKE=`pwd`/src/CMD/gmake5.0 /bin/sh src/CMD/generic/
/home/grass/.bashrc GISBASE=/usr/local/grass-5.0b MACHINENAME=`uname -n`
/bin/sh src/CMD/generic/

but then it just stopped.  No errors, no nothing, just the command
line...any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Back to the short bus I go.

R. Joe

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