GRASS 5.0b development notes

Brook Milligan brook at trillium.NMSU.Edu
Fri Jun 4 18:11:21 EDT 1999

Bruce Byars,

The recent discussion on the mailing list concerning patches not
getting incorporated and the need to have them sent to your incoming
ftp site, reminds me of my patches for getting some sort of
configuration system for grass.  Those patches also have vanished with
no trace.

Today I downloaded the current 5.0b tar file and there is no evidence
of any of them being incorporated.  In fact, they still apply
perfectly cleanly and everything still configures/compiles just fine
on my NetBSD machine.

Markus said you were interested in using these patches, but were
overloaded with other stuff.  I presume this is still the case despite
no response to me original inquiry.

Should I resubmit my patches to your incoming ftp site?  Would that
make it easier?  Is there anything else I can do to expedite the
incorporation of them.  Should I stop bugging you? :)

Also, I noticed that src/tcltkgrass/Gmakefile is no longer in the
current tar file.  Was this an oversight?


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