MySQL and Grass

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Wed Nov 10 21:55:42 EST 1999

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Robb Hill wrote:

> Can anyone offer advice?  Any good books on these types of algorithms or
> code?


  That's an excellent question! I, too, would like to have such a reference
available. The last I heard -- and this goes back a dozen years when I first
worked with ARC/Info -- is that the algorithms are rather closely held by
those (like Jack Dagerman) who developed them. After all, the
point-in-polygon and similar problems are why ESRI is able to charge the
extremely high prices they do. It's also the reason why there are more
raster-based analytical GISes than vector-based analytical offerings.

  Please let me know what you find out. Have you posted to GIS-L?


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
              Making environmentally-responsible mining happen. (SM)         
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard at

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