Box sizes with r.boxcount

mark.lake at mark.lake at
Fri Oct 1 08:10:03 EDT 1999


    Martin> resolution of the two maps I have tested is 300x300 and
    Martin> 508x508, which results in 4 or 5 useable values.  Is it
    Martin> necessary to increase resolution, by simply increasing the
    Martin> image size or is it possible to manipulate the divider for
    Martin> the box sizes?

I'm afraid that the only solution is to increase the image size,
either literally, or by resampling at a higher resolution (if your
data is adequate).

It isn't possible to manipulate box size increments because the
efficiency of the algorithm depends on masking individual bits of the
box coordinates, which only works if the box sizes are related by a
power of 2.

Hope you can find a solution,


Dr. Mark Lake

Institute of Archaeology              Tel: +44 171 391 1535
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London, WC1H 0PY	              Fax: +44 171 383 2572

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