r.in.hdf compilation on grass5.0beta3:success

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Wed Oct 6 16:50:30 EDT 1999

> I've been able to compile r.in.hdf and r.out.hdf
> by:
> 1. copying the updated version distributed by Markus
> (ftp www.geog.uni-hannover.de
> cd /incoming
> grass.hdf.tar.gz
> (ftp://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/incoming/grass.hdf.tar.gz)
> to src.garden
> 2. cd src.garden/grass.hdf/HDF.lib
> 3. seting the variables 
> GRASSSRC to /usr/local/grass5.0beta/src
> GMAKE /usr/local/grass5.0beta/src/CMD/gmake5.0
> 4. $GMAKE at src.garden/grass.hdf/HDF.lib
> 5. $GMAKE at src.garden/grass.hdf

Hi Agus,

when compiling GRASS 5, a "gmake5" is created in /usr/local/bin
and a "gmakelinks5" as well (same directory). Please just use these
scripts to compile single modules. 
The src/CMD/gmake5.0 will not work any more by calling directly as 
we have simplified the way to compile GRASS. 

Hope this helps,


PS: If you get a new HDF-lib, please let me know.

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