Different users on the same mapset

Luca Palmeri lpalmeri at ux1.unipd.it
Wed Oct 13 09:06:07 EDT 1999

Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG wrote:

> I've once read (in grass doc ?) that you can share a location.
> Each user has its own mapset, and the PERMANENT Mapset is shared
> and read-only for the non-owners (you must use xxx at PERMANENT to
> access them). I don't remember if you can read other mapsets in
> the same way.

It depends from the mapset privileges, but you are never allowed to
modify them.

Ok now I understand. Each user has his own mapset and can work only on that.

My concern was on using multiple grass shells on different mapsets at the

same time from different machines in NFS. Given that grass do not allow the same

user to run multiple session I was thinking that one solution was to use

different users in the same location, all accessing to the same mapsets.

Ok it is clear now


--> Luca Palmeri - Dip. Proc. Chimici dell'Ingengeria
    Universita' di Padova  TEL: +390498275527 -------
-------------------------  FAX: +390498275528 -------
--> Think holistic @ the end of the 2nd millenium <--

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