Import of Raster Maps at LINUX-Systems ?

Stefan Rothe sro at
Tue Aug 8 09:24:28 EDT 2000


I´m a GRASS-novice and therefore not very experienced. My question simply is:
How can I import Raster-Maps in GRASS 5.0 ß7 or ß8 at a LINUX-System? I tried
various formats, e.g. tiff, gif, bmp, etc, but always  got the message, that the import-
module was missing. Don´t they exist for LINUX? What can I do to
circumnavigate the problem? I use SUSE-LINUX 6.3 and GRASS 5.0ß8, which I
received as binary. In the handbook from Markus Neteler everything seems to be
described properly, but it doesn´t work so far on my system

Thanks for help,

Stefan Rothe
Univ. of Kiel, Germany

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