[GRASSLIST:1252] Two more grass5b10 gnats

bob at math.umn.edu bob at math.umn.edu
Tue Dec 12 13:13:26 EST 2000

For your enjoyment ...

Running grass5 died (linux prompt) and was only fixed by editing 
/usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/script/gis_set.tcl to comment out lines:

706 #if { [string compare -nocase $ver "8.0"] < 0} \
707 #{
708 #    puts stderr "Sorry your version of Tcl/Tk is $ver and is too old for GRASS."
709 #    puts stderr "GRASS requires a TCL/TK version of 8.0 or more."
710 #    puts stderr "Reverting back to text mode interface."
711 #    exit 1
712 #}

Yeah, I use vim.  :^)

The error noted something along the lines of "string compare string1 string2"
as bring the correct syntax.  Probably $ver is not getting filled somewhere
along the line.


When the GUI pops up, starting the monitor fails because my $PATH is too
long for it.  Running d.mon from the grass5 prompt works fine.  Perhaps
the Tcl/Tk should not worry so much about the size of environmental
variables.  If that is possible ...

Hope this helps.


C.S. Cornuelle 
School of Mathematics/MCIM, University of Minnesota
206 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 626-8930v, (612) 624-2333f, bob at math.umn.edu
Ferventer Vestite

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