Does r.timestamp work for anybody?

Markus Neteler neteler at
Thu May 18 03:51:17 EDT 2000


good news:
r.timestamp was recently fixed by Bill Hughes and Bill Brown.
I will send the small patch later. The new version is
in CVS (the src/libes/datetime/copy.c needed a fix)

Markus Neteler

On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 02:08:47PM -0700, Pelizzari, Michael wrote:
> Hello, everyone -
> I've tried time-stamping a raster file with r.timestamp, and all it ever
> does is write an empty file named "timestamp" to the /cell_misc/<filename>/
> directory.  Some of my efforts to make r.timestamp work are described in the
> tests below.  What am I doing wrong?  
> 1.)   When I try reading the empty timestamp file with the command
> r.timestamp map=<filename>
> , it prints blanks to the screen, as one might expect from an empty
> timestamp file.  
> 2.)   When I create my own timestamp file with a text editor, containing the
> single ASCII line
> 16 may 2000 12:57
> and try reading it as in Test 1, r.timestamp still prints blanks to the
> screen.
> 3.)   Curiously, r.timestamp accepts the above format from the timestamp
> file, but not from the command line.  When I try time-stamping a file with
> the command  
> r.timestamp map=<filename> date='16 may 2000 12:57'
> I get the error message "invalid timestamp specified for raster map
> <filename> ..." and a 0-byte timestamp file.  But the command
> r.timestamp map=<filename> date='2000 may 16 12:57'
> proceeds without error messages to write a 1-byte timestamp file.  It's no
> more useful than the 0-byte file.
> 4.)   Equally curious, the format acceptable from the command line is not
> acceptable from the timestamp file.  Creating the timestamp file
> 2000 may 16 12:57
> with the text editor and trying to read it as in Tests 1 and 2, r.timestamp
> produces the error message "invalid timestamp file for raster map <filename>
> ...".

Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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