building vector attributes

David Finlayson david_finlayson at
Thu Oct 5 11:58:22 EDT 2000

I used to import a USGS Hydro1k basin
coverage.  Each column of the original arc/info info
table was broken into a different dig_cats file.  To
link one of the columns to the dig_att, I currently
have to use a symlink in dig_cats that points to the
column of interest.

For example the Pfafstetter units of the drainage
basin are broken into 6 different files, I need to use
all six numbers to uniquely select a basin.  

Should I write a perl script to combine the numbers
again and create yet another dig_cats file, or is
there a better way?

David Finlayson
david_finlayson at
University of Washington 
Box 351310 
Seattle, WA   98195 - 1310

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