converting polygons to raster

Rado Bonk rado at
Mon Oct 9 21:30:21 EDT 2000

Hi Stefan,
1. Run v.digit on your vector file
2. Use "t - Re-type a line  (AREA/LINE)" from within "Edit" menu
3. Change all your polygons into area using the tool mentioned above 
4. Use "Label" command and label your areas
5. Run Your raster areas will have discrete values, the same
you gave them by "Label" command in v.digit

It is critical to use "t - Re-type a line  (AREA/LINE)" within v.digit and
convert polygons into areas. They should appear in grey color in v.digit. 


Rado Bonk
Geography and Geology
UNO, Nebraska, 68182-0199,
rado at

On Mon, 9 Oct 2000 Stefan.Neumann at wrote:

> Hi all,
> is there a way to fill polygons with their corresponding attribute? I have a map with soil properties in E00-format, which I imported into grass. The map is displayed and d.what.vect correctly displays one attribute of the polygon.
> Now I would like to create a rastermap containing datapoints with the attribute of the surrounding polygon, that is I want to fill each polygon with its attribute-value. I checked the grass-commands, but I could not find any command that does this. returns only the edges of the polygon with an empty interior. I cannot interpolate with* because the attribute-values are not related to each other like for example elevation-values. Instead i need the exact attribute-value.
> Is there a way to do this? In principle it seems possible because d.what.vect also "knows" the correct value, no matter what point inside a polygon I click.
> The second question concerns the ONE attribute displayed. The E00-file contains about 20 attributes for each polygon. Can I 
> - view these values and can I 
> - use them for filling polygons and creating a rastermap?
> TIA, Stefan

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