[GRASSLIST:1371] fuzzy in grass

Francois Delclaux francois.delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
Wed Jan 17 14:44:11 EST 2001

Grass users,

Three fuzzy modules are now available for grass4.2

- r.fuz.set : fuzzification of a raster map,

- r.fuz.map :  getting some basic fuzzy information from a fuzzy map

- r.fuz.rule : fuzzy rules inference modeling between several raster maps.

These modules have been tested on Linux Redhat6.0 and Solaris2.6.

The source package and README files can be found on the following anonymous

ftp site :     ftp.mpl.ird.fr         in the  /pub/delclaux/fuzzy directory


UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
BP 5045    34032 Montpellier Cedex           FRANCE
mailto: delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
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