[GRASSLIST:1391] Selective smoothing

Phil P.Atkinson at cdsc.nthames.nhs.uk
Tue Jan 23 05:09:58 EST 2001

I'm trying to perform selective smoothing based on population data. 

ie. If population value < 100, then take an average population value from
surrounding cells and assign to current cell.

I'm using r.mapcalc with code..

	Newraster = if (Pop < 100, Pop[0,1]+ Pop[0,-1].... / 8, Pop[0,0])

Its OK with 3x3 surrounding cells, but using 5x5, r.mapcalc says "I am
confused"!! I wonder if it has a 256 character limit?

Does anyone have any suggestions how to get around this?

Many thanks..


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