[GRASSLIST:2499] Re: Decimal degrees

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Thu Sep 27 01:54:54 EDT 2001

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:06:33 +1000, Gordon Keith <gordon.keith at marine.csiro.au> wrote:

> I'm using grass to work with data in Latitude Longitude, but grass is 
> always using degress:minutes:seconds.
> We almost always use decimal degrees, with occasional use of degrees 
> and decimal minutes (NMEA format).
> Is there any way to get grass to use decimal degrees?

In what context?  Generally GRASS uses decimal degrees internally but
reports or outputs coordinates as degrees:minutes:seconds<hemisphere>.
The only way to change this behavior would be to hack the library
code. -- Specifically, src/libes/gis/wind_format.c -- No guarantee
that'd be 100% successful, but probably would alter most cases to
use decimal degrees for output.  Some modules might use the more
specific routines found in ll_format.c, but modifying those
would more likely lead to weird problems.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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