[GRASSLIST:2966] problems with grasslinks

Anand Mohan anand at arkinsys.com
Tue Jan 22 23:38:05 EST 2002


I am trying to make GrassLinks work in my computer and have finished the configured job for local site. I can get the correct select menus (&display1) , but for &display2, no "grasslinks.$$.gif" is created (the size is zero). 
I get through the scipts and feel a little confused by the sub_function "create_gif": 
sub create_gif { ...

&system_silent("p.select ppm 1>/dev/null"); 
&system_silent("p.map.new input=$TMP/$value{PMAP_SCRIPT} 1> /dev/null"); 

#run ppm program to create gif 
&system_errors_logged("$PBM_PATH/ppmquant 256 < 
$ENV{MAPLP} 2> /dev/null  | $PBM_PATH/ppmtogif 
-interlace > $TMP/$value{GIF} 2> /dev/null"); 


$ENV{MAPLP} is not initialized in the whole scripts, can it be an input file?If input file it contains what. 
I try to run "p.select ppm 1>/dev/null" directly in the grass terminal, and it give two errors: one is for "ppm", because only painter "preview, preview2" exist, 
another is for "1", it is regarded as a wrong parameter. 
I know that many people have run the Grasslinks successfuly,  could anybody tell me how to make it 
Anand Mohan 

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